Bank transfer bounced back? How to send money into Japan Bank Post account


Japan Post Bank is popular among foreign residents living in Japan as it is easy to open accounts and their ATMs can be easily found all over Japan. You may already know this if you have an account with Japan Post Bank, but their account number is a little different from those of other city banks. There is no problem as long as you send and receive funds only between Japan Post Bank accounts. However, if you want to send money from other bank’s account to Japan Post Bank account, you will have to go thorough one extra step.


Difference between Japan Post Bank account and other bank account

Generally, Japanese bank accounts are identified by 4digit “financial institution code”, 3digit “branch code”, “account type” and 7digit “account number”. Unlike bank account number of other banks, Japan Post Bank account number is a combination consists of 5digit and 6-8digit numbers. This is because Japan Post Bank has taken over the operation system of former Post-office Savings. To transfer money into Japan Post Bank account from other bank account, you have to convert the combination of 5digit and 6-8digit account number into “financial institution code, branch code, account type and account number”.


How to convert 1: Visit Japan Post Bank website

Financial institution code, branch code, account type and 7digit account number is printed in the bankbook of your Japan Post Bank account. Seeing a bankbook is the fastest way to find out these numbers if you are sending money into your own account or can ask your payee to find those on his book. If you are not able to do so, you can convert 5digit-8digit account number into ordinary 3digit branch number and 7digit account number on Japan Post Bank website.

1. On the start page of japan Post Bank website, click “個人のお客様 (Personal)”, then click “送金・支払・海外関連 (Payment and international transactions)”.


2. Click “ゆうちょ口座と他の金融機関口座間の送金 (Transfer between Japan Post Bank and other bank accounts)”


3. Click a green button “記号番号から振込用の店名・預金種目・口座番号を調べる (Convert account number)”


4. Enter 5digit number in a box on the left, 7digit number in a box on the right and leave the middle box blank. Click “入力内容の確認 (Review)”

5. Confirm all the numbers are entered correctly, then click “OK”


6. Your 5gidit and 6-8digit account number will be converted


① Name of financial institution: Japan Post Bank
② Financial institution code: 9900
③ Branch code: converted into 3digit number
④ Account type
⑤ Branch name: A branch name will be the branch code converted in ③. This is because there is no branches in the operation system of Japan Post Bank.
⑥ Account number: converted into 7digit number


How to convert 2: Call Japan Post Bank call centre

Japan Post Bank has a 24 hours everyday call centre to assist customers. Call the number below and an operator will convert 5digit-7digit number for you to receive funds from the other bank.

Japan Post Bank call centre: 0120-253811


How to convert 3: Do it yourself

Even when you have no access to the phone or internet, don’t panic. You still can convert it by yourself as a last resort. Account number of Japan Post Bank can be converted by the following rules. First of all, the financial institution name “ゆうちょ銀行 (Japan Post Bank)” and code “9900” apply to all accounts.

1. Covert 5digit number into branch code and name

①5digit number beginning with 1: Pick 2nd and 3rd number and add 8 at the end to form 3digit branch code. The branch name will be this 3digit branch code written in Chinese character. If you have 5digit number “12345”, the branch code is “238” and the branch name is “二三八支店 (Ni-San-Hachi)”.

②5digit number beginning with 0: Pick 2nd and 3rd number and add 9 at the end to form 3digit branch code. The branch name will be this 3digit branch code written in Chinese character. If you have 5digit number “01234”, the branch code is “129” and the branch name is “一二九支店(Ichi-Ni-Queue)”.

2. Convert account type

通常貯金→普通預金(Ordinary savings account: 5digit number begins with 1)
通常貯蓄貯金→貯蓄預金(Deposit account: 5digit number begins with 1)
一般振替口座→当座預金(Cheque account: 5digit number begins with 0)

3. Convert 6-8digit number into 7digit account number

6-8digit number beginning with 1: Omit the last number “1” regardless the figure length
6-8digit number beginning with 0: No change regardless the figure length


Convert and send

Not many people know that account numbers of Japan Post Bank are different from other city banks’. To transfer money from other bank to Japan Post Bank, you need to convert payee’s account number. You may have failed to send money from other bank’s account to Japan Post Bank account before. But don’t worry, that can be easily done online or over the phone. Just remember that Japan Post Bank has different account operation system than other banks.


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あきらことほ Kotoho Akira

Living outside Japan for a good many years, I often rediscover nice little things about this country every time I return here. I would be more than happy if this column may help you find your "nice little things about Japan"!

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