COLUMNA Beginner`s Guide to Japan
No matter where you go, the most important good is information. We are reporting on various topics all around Japan, for foreigners interested in Japan. If there is some specific topic or information you would like to hear about, please feel free to request.
- Notify when newly arrived in Japan or moved house: Moving-in & Change of address notification
Notify when newly arrived in Japan or moved house: Moving-in & Change of address notification
The Japanese terminologies relating to change of address procedures sound particularly similar. There must be m... [Read More] - Attention international students: To do list after arriving in Japan
Attention international students: To do list after arriving in Japan
In recent years, many Japanese universities and schools accept students from overseas. Also, the number of inte... [Read More] - How to transfer funds to Japan other than bank transfer
How to transfer funds to Japan other than bank transfer
It’s been a while since the new millennium started, but the Japanese still seems to be living in a cash society... [Read More] - Sending parcels overseas? Use Japan Post’s international services
Sending parcels overseas? Use Japan Post’s international services
During your stay in Japan, sometimes you need to send parcels overseas. For example, you end up sending things ... [Read More] - Common sense or absurd? Things you see only in Japan
Common sense or absurd? Things you see only in Japan
You probably have experienced something surprising while you stay in other countries for business, holiday or ... [Read More] - Ice cold beer under summery night sky: Top 5 beer gardens in Tokyo
Ice cold beer under summery night sky: Top 5 beer gardens in Tokyo
Hi there! Enjoying hot summer days in Japan, or have you had enough of it? If you like it or not, this boiling... [Read More] - Stay Cool this Summer! Water Parks you can reach from Tokyo by train
Stay Cool this Summer! Water Parks you can reach from Tokyo by train
Pools have been a popular destination for a summer outing since a long time ago, but lately, many of them have... [Read More] - How to find epic at night in Tokyo. Go clubbing!
How to find epic at night in Tokyo. Go clubbing!
You would normally come up with Roppongi when you hear clubbing in Tokyo. However, there are many other cool s... [Read More] - Summer is here! 4 Beaches Perfect for a Day Trip from Tokyo
Summer is here! 4 Beaches Perfect for a Day Trip from Tokyo
The best way to escape the summer’s heat is taking a swim in cool water. Of course, jumping into a pool does t... [Read More] - To Do List when Leaving Japan – How to Quit National Health Insurance
To Do List when Leaving Japan – How to Quit National Health Insurance
Every foreigner living in Japan for a certain period of time is obligated to enter National Health Insurance. B... [Read More] - Totally arbitrarily chosen! TOP 5 Japanese microbrewery beers 2016
Totally arbitrarily chosen! TOP 5 Japanese microbrewery beers 2016
The temperature has been hiking since the beginning of July, everyone must be enjoying a glass of thirst-quenc... [Read More] - Full bloom in the night sky: Fireworks festivals around Tokyo
Full bloom in the night sky: Fireworks festivals around Tokyo
July, the summertime is just about to bloom. Open air music festivals, summer festivals, beach resorts, beer g... [Read More]